Missouri Manufacturers Sustainability Certification Program

Sustainability Certification Programs

Missouri Manufacturing Sustainability Certification Program

Missouri Manufacturers Sustainability Certification Program (MMSCP)

Join the Missouri Manufacturers Sustainability Certification Program (MMSCP), sponsered by the Missouri Association of Manufacturers (MAM) and the Ozarks Environmental and Resources Institute (OEWRI) at Missouri State University. The program aims to assist Missouri manufacturers in enhancing their sustainability initiatives and gaining recognition for their efforts. Manages jointly by OEWRI and MAM, companies can participate by completing an industry-specific checklist on the programs's website. Those meeting the criteria will undergo an onsite assessment by OEWRI to validate their performance and receive improvement suggestions. OEWRI will continue collaborating with companies to support their sustainability program development. Eligible industries currently include Metal Fabrication and Machining, Aerospace, Automotive, and Food and Beverage, and Breweries, with places in incorporate more sectors in the future. 

There are two levels under the program:

  1. Certified ($500/yr) - those companies that completed the checklists and scored high enough for certification and verified by OEWRI.
  2. Apprentice ($250/yr) - those companies that completed the checklist but have not yet scored high enough for certification and continue to work on their program. 

Certified companies will be recognized on the website and at the annual MAM EHS conference. They will also be recognized in an annual report that summarizes the amount of water, water, energy, and operational costs achioved by participants. The summary will be published on the program website, MAM website, and OEWRI website.



The Missouri Green Brewery Certification (MGBC) is a voluntary recognition and program for environmental leaders in the craft beverage industry. This program recognizes businesses that implement strategies that reduce waste, conserve energy, and consciously manage resources and outputs to reduce a business’s overall environmental footprint.

To apply to the program please complete the Missouri Green Brewery Certification Application form below.  Your organization will be contacted by staff at the Ozarks Environmental and Water Resources Institute (OEWRI) at Missouri State University (MSU) to schedule a time for a site visit to complete the checklist and review operations.

Member Benefits:

  • MGBC provides your business with visibility and opportunities to connect, learn and be recognized.
  • Members receive an authorized logo to differentiate your business as a Green Brewery.
  • Use the logo to promote positive public relations, show off on social media/website/menu or on promotional materials.
  • Free publicity: Members can/may be recognized for their environmental initiative(s) on social media or appear on the MAM & OEWRI site(s).
  • Receive a certificate that recognizes your business as a Missouri Green Brewery.
  • Participation in this program includes free consulting, a free site assessment, and participation in the Brewers Sustainability Best Practices Network.

How The Program Works:

Contact Information

Doug Neidigh, MPH, REM, CEA
Pollution Prevention Specialist

Relay Missouri
711 or 800-735-2966
Missouri State University
Ozarks Environmental and Water Resources Institute
901 S. National Ave.
Springfield 65897
Website address