Laboratory Services

Water and Sediment Quality Laboratory

Water quality testing is an important aspect of environmental monitoring. The quality of water impacts aquatic organisms, the surrounding ecosystem, and can help or harm human initiatives. The physical and chemical properties of sediments and soils directly affect plant growth, biodiversity, erosion rates, and management practices.

Laboratory instrumentation and facilities to study water and sediment quality indicators are of upmost concern to researchers, government agencies, and watershed groups in the region. The laboratory has a full-time director and training protocol and follows USEPA-approved standard methods and strict QA/QC procedures. For more information, please see our Standard Operating Procedures.

Laboratory Equipment

Equipment Uses Standard Operating Procedure User Guide
Fisher Scientific accumet® excel XL25 pH/mV/Temp/Ion Meter  pH, mV, ion concentration, chloride concentration

SOP-008-Chloride Concentrations using Accumet Excel XL25 (2023)

User Guide
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. Quanti-Tray and Quanti-Tray/2000 Quantifying coliforms, E. coli, entericocci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Heterotrophic Plate Counts (HPC)

SOP-007-E. coli and Total Coliforms using IDEXX (2023)

User Guide
Oxford X-Met 3000TX Portable XRF Analyzer Measuring trace elements in soil and sediment



User Guide

Niton™ XL3t XRF Analyzer

Measuring trace elements in soil and sediment   User Guide
Oakton® pH 5+ Handheld pH Meter Measures pH and Temperature in potable, surface, and wastewater

SOP-003-pH Handheld Oakton pH 5+ (2023)

User Guide
Traceable® Portable Conductivity Meter with Calibration Determination of conductivity in potable, surface, and wastewater

SOP-004-Conductivity using Cole Parmer Portable (2023)

User Guide
Isotemp® Programmable Muffle Furnace Determination of organic matter 

SOP-012-Organic Matter LOI (2023)

User Guide
LS™ 13 320 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer Characterize particulates between 10 nanometers - 3000 micrometers  SOP_Laser_Diffraction_LS13320_2008.pdf User Guide
Sonic Sifters Rapid separation of dried particles SOP_Sonic_Sifter_2020.pdf User Guide
Bartington® MS3 Magnetic Susceptibility Meter Determination of magnetic susceptibility in dried soil samples SOP_Magnetic_Susceptibility_2020.pdf User Guide